
Create Your Reality 3 Day Experience

Giovanna Alaimo

Patricia’s class was a wonderful way for me to spend the day soul-searching and getting answers. It’s a beautiful Group to be a part of; the meditations were powerful and the time was well spent. I would recommend it to anyone that is seeking self-improvement and manifesting their dreams to come true. Patricia’s meditations are magical and healing for sure. If you have any fears before you take the class, you won’t have any fear of succeeding by the end of the class. 


I was really impressed with the program, I didn’t have any expectations but I sure was pleasantly surprised by the immediate results in my relationship with my partner and my health. Patricia used a variety of her skills that really resonate with my core and I am so looking forward to day 2. She always made sure we were comfortable and or needed a break during the course. I really loved her story,  transparency and authenticity. She’s definitely a phoenix rising and conquered many challenges in her life’s journey and never gave up.  Thank you Patricia for your amazing gifts. 🎁

Nathalie laude

Patricia goes out of her way to get right down to what it is that is holding you back! She takes time with each individual lightening the load so you can achieve your goals without struggle! Patricia is absolutely amazing and truly is understanding in all areas of life! Her gifts and talents are incredible! You can tell she loves what she does as she goes all out giving extras all the time …you could feel the love and compassion coming from her heart! Patricia is truly a gift ! An angel 😇  and is making a shift on this planet! I’m so grateful that source aligned me with her And her amazing tools! Her toolbox is loaded and she’s very generous with sharing them ! Do you feel absolutely supported and safe in her delicious container!! I’m forever changed in just one class !! Can’t wait for the next level as she is full of surprises ❤️Thank you Patricia for your support and love ! Your love is healing  ❤️❤️ Love you 

Barbara Szmyt

Patricia Elizabeth is the real deal and she shoots straight from the hip. She is very compassionate, And having gone through her own life lessons and challenges, she is ready, willing ,and able to help and serve others to grow and expand on their chosen path. This program addressed the issues closest to my heart that I have been facing and questioning. I have more insights about what it is that is motivating me and what it is that I need to pay attention to in order to stay on my course.  I have a growing sense of self awareness and I am able to appreciate the Unique gifts that I do have, and a sense of self-confidence to shine my light.


This is a program/container that’s helped me to manifest all my souls desires and to expand and to not place limitations on myself, the first section the energy started to flow and work immediately and I got exactly what I needed, and I put my full hearts desire and trust it’s going to work it’s Magick exactly what’s needed and it felt like smooth energies as powerful as they were, and everyone as a collaborative group everyone’s energies enhanced everything and made everything g easier, more powerful it’s a beautiful high vibrational and worked at the right time and the right place everyone helped everyone, extremely highly recommended. Thank you thank you thank you.


Patricia, thank you for all that you are and that you have done for me. I am more determined than ever to do what I have to do to be seen and successful. I am so grateful for all your teachings. 

Stacey Worsfold

Patricia is very special, having worked with her for 2 years and she has many gifts and abilities to assist people to expand their spiritual awareness towards being the lighted souls that they came here to be. Her personality, kindness, compassion and generosity will remain in our hearts long after the courses are over, that is probably why many of us follow her and ride a journey together with her. 

Gayle Bode

Patricia is truly gifted and an amazing teacher and guide.  I have received new insights and clarity in many aspects of my life.  My connection to my soul is stronger than ever.  The change is tangible and permanent.  I feel prepared and supported to go forward and create the life I want with ease and purpose.  

Tina Williams

Patricia is the most gifted spiritual leader I have ever encountered. This program, like all of her programs, is life changing in such a subtle, deep way that you can just be in her space and feel the powerful vibration that will rise you up like you cannot imagine. I highly recommend anyone who may have a dream that has no backbone immediately do this program. The structured, step by step program will help you define your reality, what your needs, wants and desires are very specifically so you can see, feel and imagine then NOW and gives you the confidence  and clarity you need through the activations to instantly start realizing a new you. Do not wait for your reality to find you! Do this program and CREATE the reality you deserve and that is your birthright. Let Patricia take on the journey of a lifetime.   I did and it has been the best decision I have ever made!  

Leslie Benton

I have been taking Patricia’s programs and workshop for a few years now and I have to say anything she offers has the Midas touch. As long as you do your part and put in the work, you will have triumph after triumph.  

Vision Board workshop

Giovanna Alaimo

Thank you for this powerful time together. There is a lot of power in numbers and this program is full of love and light. I am so happy I attended in person. 

Jillian Tarry

This program was so much fun and enjoyable! I’ve always loved creating vision boards, but Patricia takes it to the next level with activations and magick! So grateful and cannot wait to create an amazing 2023!  


I Loved doing this Vision Board program with Patricia.  It was a VERY Quick couple of hours that didn’t seem that long.  Patricia stepped us thru step by step and then my board was done, tweaked & ready for activation and anchoring into my being.  I had HUGE Yawns & shifts during the activations & receiving light codes and though some felt tired, which is normal, I felt energized & confident & ready to stand up & light some fires!  2023 is going to be AWESOME!!  Thanks Patricia :)) 

Gayle Bode

It was very fun and fulfilling to create my Vision Board.  I gained clarity on the emotions I want to feel in the coming year.  The images I curated for myself were perfect.  The activation cemented my feelings and my belief that I am already that person.  I feel empowered and able to do anything I want or envision.  I am unstoppable!  Thank you, Patricia. 


Speaking from personal experience, Patricia has gifted me with the ability to awaken in areas that I didn’t know were possible.  She comes from a place of knowingness and has the  ability to consciously share her knowledge and gifts with an open heart to those who participate in her programs.  

Ella Isakov

I was not sure what to expect when Patricia offered this workshop, but I loved every moment of it, from choosing the design template on Canva, to choosing the pictures and words to put on it. Then Patricia sealed & amplified the Vision board with ISA crystalline energy and ISA Light Codes. I would sign up again!! 

Sallie Smith

The vision board session was awesome. It made me focus on what I really needed and wanted in my life now. It made me present and do some inner reflection. It made me smile and feel good about tapping into my creative self. Patricia was an excellent spiritual teacher that aligned my soul with my vision to make it transpire. The meditation was so inspirational and brought me to recognize how important it is to release my past and be present. 


Patricia Elizabeth is the best. She find the right word to help you to get out of your comfort zone to create the best version of yourself 

Lisa Engel Franklin

I was very surprised to learn about HOW to Correctly make a VISION board and I did not know about ACTIVATING it after I put it together. This program gave me the knowledge of how to make VISION boards not only NOW but in the Future. 

Leslie Benton

Any program I do with Patricia feels tailor made for me. I love how she knows just what I need to help myself move forward. I love Patricia’s ability to connect with my blocks and help me get unstuck. 


Even though I had issues with Canvas, I got to experience face-to-face assistance with Patricia, she is personable, caring and so kind throughout the program and I really do appreciate this beautiful experience I had. 


I didn’t think there were any changes at first, but then I realized I asked for my Soul Family to come to me as well as Business prospects. I’ve had at least 20 like-minded people send me friend requests on FB as well as two that want to help me bring my business to light as well as another to help me with positive thinking. My cat has also started sleeping with me every night which she didn’t do before. Loved the program. It was interesting and concise and made me want to do more specific ones for every area of my life. 

Julie Delzell

Patricia’s programs are always creating expansion and healing for my soul.  She is knowledgeable and so loving throughout every aspect of the class and even more for during the mediation. Her energy is pure and healing. I would recommend attending any of her classes and meditation. I have gained so much knowledge and inner healing from each class.  I hope you will experience one of Patricia’s classes and see and feel for yourself. Thank you Patricia for you and your beautiful gifts and sharing them with others.  Much love from me. 

Jimmy Cone

I thought Patricia did a great job instructing us about crafting vision boards and creating them. She even demonstrated a quick way to make a vision board online that could be printed. 


Patricia is amazing, and gives so much & more to her tribe. Personally invested in our lives and pushing us forward to stretch and expand our ascension trajectory in new ways. Invites us to clear the energy blocking our advancement and offers new ways towards creating the lives we desire. 


The vision board class was fun and creative. I enjoyed creating my vision and seeing it daily on my computer and confirming that it will all come true. It was nice to have the time to myself to create and be creative with what I want. Thank you! 

30 days of Deep Emotional Healing​

Lisa Wietfeld

I highly recommend Patricia’s programs,they are good quality and very beneficial.A large variety of emotions are worked on,all definitely were needed.I like you can replay them as needed as often as you like! 


Patricia Elizabeth is the best coach ever, her knowledge, generosity, her fun and deep approach to life has transformed mine. I am so grateful and proud to be part of her tribe.  

Carolyn Griffin

This was an amazing 30 days and the transformations were powerful! So much stuff that I had no idea even existed was cleared and I was able to see changes in my emotional responses immediately. I have been much calmer and more emotionally balanced. I was able to recognize what emotional baggage I had because of the deep questioning prompts before each session. Patricia Elizabeth’s insightful work has mad a huge difference in my life and I am excited to continue working with her in the VIP Academy. 

Robin Fivecoat

This program provides a safe space to dig deep into emotional situations. Emotions help guide reactions and trajectories. Taking this 30 day program saved me a decade on the couch of any professional psychiatric specialist, I feel. Each day, I released bottled-up emotions. Each day, I became freer of heart and clearer of mind. Revisiting the emotions allows deeper insights and gains a more profound understanding of myself. It’s akin to unlocking hidden layers, making the process of redoing them a valuable journey.  


All the programs of yours I have participated in so far have been awesome! I wish I could be part of everyone you do! I feel sure this one will be amazing too! I can’t wait to work through it soon!  


The 30 days are so worth doing. Getting deep within, letting the shit go, learning ur trigger and allowing yourself to learn from them and control the anger instead of just acting them out.

Enza Iacono

Loved the 30 day Deep emotional healing. There was a great sense of relief and letting go of stagnant emotions that no longer served me in my life. Thank you! I so appreciate you Patricia! 

Robbie Tsvetkov

This program was very very helpful it helped release a lot of these emotions that were coming up to the surface on a gentle level as I was distracted a lot fell away and I ascended even more and that nothing was holding me back anymore and I can still go back if need to work on another emotion on a deeper level. I felt wonderful and renewed after and it cleared a lot of ancestral stuff, and a lot of collective stuff. I am still doing the bonuses. 

Deep Energetic Cleanse Container


This program is powerful and profound, I highly recommend it. 

Gayle Bode

It has been an extraordinary experience to learn more about myself. I gain new insights in every session. I feel renewed strength, energy, resolve, and empowerment. I feel like I understand myself better. I am able to see and feel enhanced levels of myself I never knew existed. I love the feeling of exploring and experiencing what a wonderful person I really am. 


I took the Energetic Cleanse series with Patricia, and it was unlike anything I have ever received. I am not new to energy work, but Patricia is so connected and guided, that in each session, no matter the theme, it is profoundly effective. The added bonus is that Patricia truly cares, is present, and wants you to succeed, and go beyond the beyond. I would take this series again in a heartbeat. Thank you Patricia!


One of the most important changes I’ve noticed for myself is, I’m starting to notice I’m grounding more through my heart than the root chakra. Also when I feel the need or call to get up, move around or dance during meditation or a healing I have to do so. It lets me recognize and receive on a deep level. I’ve also noticed I’m laying on the ground more to get a deep connection and or grounding through my root, heart and crown chakras. This has been some of my best shifts changes yet and I’m so looking forward to what is still to come. Each day I’m a new person as I’m doing the work along with the healing I receive from Patricia and all her guides and my guides. I’m overjoyed that I finally took that step and decided this is my time to start shining and healing on a more deeper level than just half doing shadow work by myself. I have uncovered so much and letting it all go for my highest good and the new energy-related to come in. 


These Programs you offer are absolutely wonderful, so wonderful, I have been working on certifications through you of all kinds. Why? Because I know they really help people. 

Robbie Tsvetkov

I highly recommend this program if you are feeling stuck and stagnant and feel there are things that need to be cleared on a deeper level you will feel more balanced, grounded and you’ll be able to manifest easier and faster and this helps you release what’s no longer serving you or holding you back on a deeper level.  

Jillian Tarry

This is my favorite program of Patricia’s to date and I pretty much took all her programs in the past few years! These energies are her most powerful yet! I joined the program without any specific goals and was blown away by a major uplevel, nearly instantaneous manifestation powers, daily high vibing, and a newfound deep relationship with crystal, animal, and plant spirit guides. I feel beyond blessed and grateful for this journey of a lifetime!  


Patricia is great! You can tell she truly cares about her tribe and everyone she is helping. With each session I had tons of yawns, which for me means lots of energy was shifting. So grateful for this program! 

Barbara Elzbieta Szmyt

This program helped to bring some stability and increased confidence that everything is subject to change, given the right guidance and support! 

Megan Gosal

This energetic reset was a powerful journey that helped me come back to myself in a way I didn’t know I needed. Through this process I have found myself shedding skins that no longer serve my highest good and feeling lighter and clearer than I have in a while.  

Tannis Legary

I highly recommend Patricia for the authenticity of her work. I know I can get into a deep meditation and if I fall asleep I trust that all is well on every level of my energetic being. I have had some magical moments throughout the healings we had with the essence of my father coming through with his loving connection. So grateful for that moment I had. I now have stepped out of my comfort zone to elevate my personal spiritual growth. Having Patricia as a mentor/spiritual leader really gives me extra strength and courage to start doing what I am supposed to be doing on this earth plane, with no fear or judgment!!!  

Tanya Thon

Patricia’s deep energetic cleanse was a transformative experience. Her intuitive approach helped me release emotional blockages, resulting in improved well-being, mental clarity, and emotional balance. I highly recommend this revitalizing session for a renewed and empowered sense of self 

Kelly Copeland

This Deep Cleanse has helped me in a-lot of subtle but very big ways, enabling me to move forward with new openings and new ways to make more openings to get where I want to be! I Love this program! So Grateful for Patricia! 


The program was very interesting in the way my energy shifted and cleared the path for me to listen more to my inner self. The clarity and improvement of my ability to trust my intuition was a big step in understanding who I am now.  

Chakras Magick


I have love every part of the course, zoom, I am definitely a different person then I was back in September when I join the V.I.P 


This program is comprehensive and yet simple to follow. It offers information on the 13 chakra system, and the meditation to activate them and find your own Self and inner strength  

Robbie Tsvetkov

This program is very helpful, knowledgeable and brings awareness, and brings immediate reset to all my chakras with ease, flow and grace! When you know you need a specific one or all it’s very magical and works immediately by magical energies .


The program is well designed and was delivered in a very easy to understand and professional manner. 

Lisa Engel-Franklin

Working with Patricia has been one of the pivotal times in my life. So much has changed, and I have grown by great strides with my journey … It helped with aligning my chakras, and opening my 3rd EYE More, and with Manifesting. 

Enza Iacono

I loved the Chakra Program; it was informative and magical. I loved that you touched upon crystals and oils and how they are associated with each chakra. I learnt so much about each chakra and it explained so much about body aches and feelings that I had been experiencing. Thank you, Patricia, you are amazing! 

Barbara Elzbieta SzmytI

This was a wonderful program for me. Patricia introduced and cleared chakras that I had not even been aware of. I felt that I had given myself a gift of self-love. I loved the sharing and input from other participants, as well as knowing that the magic continues to grow and grow even deeper with repeated listening! Thank you to a very special and relational facilitator. 

Akhi Ausura Knighton

Chakra Magick is an apropos title for this program because when properly aligned, our Chakras work their magic within our bodies. Controlling how we function in life. 

Manifesting Magick


I was not sure what to expect from Manifesting Magick, but everything that I have attended from Patricia has been beyond magical. This program in particular, I noticed great expansion, more clarity from my guides, and action made and aligned people brought. Lastly, I feel more at ease after this series. More in the flow of my purpose and each day. Patricia always goes above and beyond in each session, as there are always beautiful surprises, and she is remarkable in sensing exactly what we need. Thank you, Patricia, from the bottom of my heart. 

Leslie Benton

I highly recommend taking any of Patricia’s programs . Every single thing I have ever taken from her has been more than beneficial to the forward momentum of my life in business and in mindset.The more I applied the things I learned from Patricia the more I attract things I needed and wanted to Manifest . 


I loved the program, especially all the extras that Patricia shared with us. She always goes beyond and gives us what we need. Thank you Patricia because of this program I now know what to do to manifest what I want in my life! There are no limits!  


I’m so grateful and appreciative that I am part of this amazing family and teaching, I’m so grateful I was able to join when I did as I know my soul is ready for me to grow and expand .

Pleiadian Transmission Container

Denise Armenio

Feel more aligned with my current goals. More motivation. 

Robin Fivecoat

If you want a deep relationship with the Pleiadians, sign up here! Their happy, fun, and lightheartedness disconnects you from out-dated sources easily. Their playful energy disintegrates densities as smoothly as peeling a banana. Let the Pleiadians boost your authentic version you were born to be. Patricia Elizabeth creates a safe environment to receive powerful codes, light language, and transmissions channeling these majestic, benevolent beings. Whether you are just awakening or reaching higher dimensions, this program satisfies more than your hopes.  


The pleiadians are fun energetic and goofy They have helped me see life and guidance in ways I never knew Existed. This past 9 weeks have been life changing for me. 


Patricia taught me about the Pleiadians and how they work. It was interesting learning more about them and getting the transmissions. I learnt that I should go with the flow and not expect meditations to be exactly alike. Thank you! 

Gayle Bode

With Patricia’s help, I was able to get in touch with my Pleiadians. Invite them into my life. I am grateful to have the support and expansion into my creativity, clarity and a greater feeling of self, my talents, and what makes me special !  

Tina Williams

I love everything Patricia does. She is the real deal and truly puts all of herself into everything she does 100%. I have found so much change in my life thanks to Patricia’s work. I love the Pleiadians and what I know is that they would only choose someone to share their message that they could trust would share that message with purity and clarity. Patricia is the perfect person to do just that so I signed up to get all that the Pleiadians wanted to share with me to help me grow and be my best self. This was the perfect program with the perfect instructor! 

Georgina Yanez

I highly recommend the program to anyone who wants to experience deeper shifts in their life and also to connect more deeply with their Pleiadian Soul Families!!!!! 


This container is definitely worth your time and life changes that happen. I was excited every day we met and went into meditation. I was given a few new ideas for creations during the 9 weeks. I was shown many different symbols and a lot of personal shifts. One of my favorites for 2023 I’ve been in. I do love each container. This one was my top one.  

Rajinder Kaur Parmar

I love all of Patricia’s work, she is amazing! Pleiadians Transmission Container was out of this world :). I felt more grounded, all the time. This brought more peace, and a quiet kind of happiness/joy. I’ve noticed that I am just better all around. I will definitely join other containers as Patricia always delivers. 

Joy Pedersen

As a healer who usually focuses on others, this was a wonderful opportunity to focus on myself and receive loving support from a caring and compassionate healer who is following her calling.  


Thank you for bringing me back the Pleiades into my life and to open my heart with joy to them.

Robbie Tsvetkov

This is a very easy smooth and gentle program to connect with you pleidian guides you tend to get distracted and light language cones In where you live different parts of your body and the energy works it’s Magick.

Robin Fivecoat

This Pleiadean program is the most intimate. In each transmission Pleiadeans open me beyond my comfort zones to surrender to my vulnerabilities to deeply receive the transmissions. The love, support, and wisdom they impart to me help me develop a truer version of me. Each of the meditations open and clear worn-out aspects to bestow clear-sight. In all of my connections with the Pleiadeans, this program is the most in-depth.  

Heather Russell

WOW! The sense of freedom and ease I now feel is truly transformative. Patricia’s healing and channeling abilities are potent, and her programs consistently bring me incredible results and experiences. I wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone seeking positive shifts in their relationship with abundance, health … and just about everything else! 

Ascension Container


I really loved and benefited from the ascension bundle, helped ease stress and tension in my mind, body and soul♡ 

Amy Lundberg

I enjoy Patricia and all the extra’s she brings to the table when doing LIVE meditations with her. Things seem to shift even if unconsciously.  

Lisa Engel-Franklin

I’ve worked with Patricia several years now and I benefit from many of her programs. The certifications especially help me. The meditations are helping me with my ascension. 

Jillian Tarry

The Ascension Bundle is like having a spiritual retreat in the comfort of your own home! It’s a total reset from the grind of everyday life and leaves me feeling refreshed in my soul. I feel high vibe and connected to the universe. It’s a beautiful path that leads me back to my spiritual purpose and inspires me to shine my light! Thank you! 

Robin Energy Artizen

This program delivers!! If you want to explore expansion and soar in a powerful, safe, and deep way, pamper yourself with this program! It increased my profitability and my soul connections. I’m forever grateful!! 

Heather Russell

Patricia does it again! Another incredible ascension and personal spiritual journey program. I love and appreciate her supportive, encouraging nature and the unconditional love and support from her, the guides and the universe. She is a catalyst for change and I am grateful to be part of her community. 

Robbie Tsvetkov

This program helped me go through the higher ascension with physical symptoms through my twin flame journey when the ascension is mirrored from Devine masculine and helps me function better in my life in the 3D because I’d be in bed all day 


If you are a keen student on the spiritual path or a healer, the Ascension program is a MUST. It will help you integrate, ascend further, and also provide protection for your energy field. It will seal in all your light. Cannot recommend enough 

Pam Kratt

I loved the ascension program as it definitely cleared any offensive energy away and brought my light score to a 10/10 which allowed me to do my sessions on my clients. I would see/hear more when I did my sessions for my clients also. Great set of meditations! 

ISA Light Language Magick

Jillian Tarry

In the past, I’ve received light language symbol downloads, but wasn’t sure how to use them. This program showed me exactly where to draw them on my body and I could feel the results instantly! I feel honored to have these new gifts in my toolbox!  

Robbie Tsvetkov

I highly recommend this program because a lot of us use all forms of light language and we aren’t always aware it also teaches you to stay grounded at all times and to cleanse and keep your energy field clear, it helped a great deal for me to allow all forms of light language to come in on a deeper level and helped shine my light brighter  


I highly recommend Patricia and her unique ISA attunement to help you on your spiritual path, using tools and techniques to bring out the best version of yourself and share your gifts, your light and light the path for others. 

Ella Isakov

Everything Patricia puts out into the world, and shares, is not only magical, but she has a way of filling the participants with a greater inner knowing, connection to their innate gifts, and more empowered to show up and be seen. What I appreciate most about Patricia, is that she truly cares, listens, and wants everyone in her world to thrive, and succeed, whether it be in their personal healing journey, or to be of greater service within their communities, and beyond. I so appreciate and love Patricia <3 

Jill S.

As someone who has been channeling all 3 types of Light Language (speaking, signing, and drawing) for many years, I highly recommend Patricia’s ISA Light Language Magick!  Not only were the attunements very high vibrational, pure, and activating, but the content of Patricia’s teachings were invaluable as well.  I wish I had these teachings when I first started channeling it! Patricia guided us through each type of Light Language (along with attunements), and emphasized the importance of practicing and trusting in what comes through. If you are at all interested in learning more about Light Language and/or channeling it yourself, I highly recommend Patricia’s course!  

Giovanna Alaimo

Patricia Elizabeth is the real deal. She is connected and she does give us a lot of support. It’s always for spiritual and physical, mental and emotional growth. Patricia’s  light language program is beautifully beneficial for any Person who is open for change. 

Robbie Tsvetkov

This is a container I highly recommend when you are called especially when you really start to feel the light language coming in for you when your soul is connected in the higher realms either when you are receiving meditations and when you are already certified in whatever modality your in especially either way of giving or receiving you start to feel it come in and when receiving a meditation your soul follows and responds to it on a higher level a lot of the language came I. For me in different body movements and spoken light language came in as a song 🎵 speaking to my soul drawing light language symbols is when you put pen and paper together it just flows. I highly recommend it when you feel called to it. 

Kevin S

I always receive a nugget from all of Patricia‘s programs that I’m a part of. This one was no exception. I enjoy Patricia‘s frankness, and I also appreciate the effectiveness of her divine light council which I respond to very well. Thanks, Patricia. 

Heather Russell

The Light Language Channeling attunements was a profound and transformative experience! Through Patricia’s expert guidance, I tapped into ancient wisdom, and have started toning & drawing LL, something I have always wanted to do! I feel more connected to my galactic family and the Divine Channel. This journey empowered my soul’s purpose, opening a higher level of consciousness and healing connections beyond words. I am so grateful for Patricia and all her wisdom and for this life-changing experience, I highly recommend it to anyone seeking to ignite their inner light language channel. 

© 2023 Integrated Soul Activations LLC – All rights reserved worldwide.